Online Actuarial Certificates Pre 2017-2018

Fund Details

Type of Trustee
Did the Fund commence in the 2010/2011 year?

Administrator Details

Membership Details

Number of Members
First Name
Last Name
Date of birth (pension members only)

Pension Account Details

Accumulation Account Details

Accumulation A/C Balance at 1 July 2010
Accumulation A/C Balance at 30 June 2011

Transaction Details

The calculations for new funds can be complex, but are quite straight forward for most new Funds. Some circumstances that do present problems are:
  1. Amounts are transferred into the Fund before the new pension(s) commence. If the time difference is no more than 3 days, show the date of the transfer as the same date that the pension commenced; if the difference is more than 3 days please forward the details to Partners Superannuation Services.
  2. Not all of the amounts transferred into the Fund are used to start a new pension(s). If that happens, show the amount that is not used to start the pension(s) as being transferred into the Fund one day after the pension(s) commences.
  3. Very rarely, a second (or third/fourth) new pension commences some time after the first. If that happens please forward the details to Partners Superannuation Services.
If you are aware of any other special or unusual circumstances that might affect the calculated tax-exempt percentage, again forward the details to Partners Superannuation Services.

a) Contributions (net of tax for concessional contributions)

Were any amounts contributed to or transferred into the Fund in 2010/2011?
Were the amounts received evenly throughout the year?
What was the total of the amounts received?
Add any amounts contributed to or transferred into the Fund in 2010/2011

b) Add any amounts transferred out of a Fund accumulation account in 2010/2011

Transfers Out

Pensions for the Next Financial Year

Do you want the certificate to show the minimum and maximum pensions for 2011/2012?

Total transition to retirement pension balance as at 30 June 2011
Were any of the pensions market linked pensions?
Market linked pension balance as at 30 June 2011
Expiry date of market linked pension